

hello there,

apparently i have caught your attention some how so read away!
my name is vic and this is my first blog. after reading the most recent issue of teen vogue, I became inspired with all of the blogs created by young people that are out there and decided to try it out. how hard could it be? 

the main focus of my blog is to discuss fashion, music, travel, art, literature, or anything really that inspires me each day. just so you know me, here is a little about me:

music: i'm really open to everything and anything. I have everything in my library from M.I.A to ABBA to Iron and Wine to Kanye West. i enjoy checking out www.amiestreet.com to find new artists. if I can dance to it, that's a plus

movies: I love movies. similar to my taste in my music I am very open to watch anything. i especially love old movies from the 40s and 50s, everything is so glamorous.

fashion: my clothing style is different almost everyday. I like changing things up now and again, how awful is it to wear the same thing over and over again? I buy different pieces from stores and piece them together and I often raid Value Village every now and again. 

books: I am a sucker for classic literature. currently i'm reading Vanity Fair by William Thackeray.

hope you keep reading and enjoy! please send your comments and any other suggestions.

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